The newest and most durable of the V8 rears. Somehow Winters kept this rear light, while making many improvements. The V8-10 is a full 10 pounds lighter than the Pro Eliminator rear. It accepts the same length driveshaft and torque tube as the Pro Eliminator, so it's very easy to swap back and forth between rears. The newly redesigned center is bigger to hold more oil. The breather was moved to the left side and positioned in a way to restrict the oil from coming out of the breather. The V8-10 did keep all the advantages the Outlaw V8 had, like the smaller ring & pinion, which accelerates and decelerates quicker. Internal 10-10 coupler included at no cost.
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This rear can work in a 410, but is best for 360, 358, or 305.
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